Easy Sugar Cookie Recipe (2024)

This Sugar Cookie Recipe stands the test of time. Crisp on the outside, but buttery soft on the inside, this is a family favorite!

These are amazing, and I also have a recipe for perfect Cut Out Sugar Cookies.

Easy Sugar Cookie Recipe (1)

This recipe for sugar cookies is one of my very favorite baked goods. I have made this recipe so many times, I can practically do it in my sleep.

Originally from America’s Test Kitchen, you know it is a winner.

By following my simple tips for how to make sugar cookies, these will turn out perfect for you as well. You’ll never need another recipe.

This is an older recipe that I’m updating with tons of tips and a video! But it stands the test of time, check out the reviews on it. It’s a winner!


These cookies have a simple delicious buttery flavor that wins over everyone.

The texture of these sugar cookies is perfection. They are crisp on the outside and buttery soft on the inside.

These homemade sugar cookies don’t need any chilling, which means you are that much closer to being able to eat them.

This is an EASY sugar cookie recipe. If baking intimidates you, read on! You can do it.

Whether it is Christmas time, a birthday, or a party at work, this cookie recipe fits every occasion.

Easy Sugar Cookie Recipe (2)


As I said, these are easy to make. Once you do it, the steps will feel like second nature. And the tip section below will help too!

  1. In a large bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  2. Cream together room temperature butter and sugar.
  3. Mix in the eggs, one at a time. Then the vanilla extract.
  4. Add the flour mixture.
  5. Shape into balls, and roll in sugar.
  6. Bake and fall in love.

Done and done.


In the last year or so I’ve changed how I do this, so I wanted to bring your attention to it.

I’ve done some reading and what I’ve learned is that adding a flour mixture a little at a time is more likely to result in over mixing.

Once flour hits wet ingredients, the gluten begins to develop. If you beat the flour in too long, it will result in unpleasantly chewy cookies.

For a long time I added flour just a scoop or two at a time. Now, I have a new faster method.

Add in all of the flour mixture at once. Beat on low, just long enough so the flour doesn’t fly all over. Then beat on high, just enough so it is combined.

Be sure to scrape your bowl at the bottom with a spatula to make sure all the flour was mixed in. We also don’t want to under mix.

Check out the video in the recipe card to see this in action!

Easy Sugar Cookie Recipe (3)


These tips apply to a lot of my cookies. But I always feel like they need repeating. They help so much.

  • When measuring the flour, scoop the flour into the measuring cup and then level off. Not scooping right from the container prevents packing the flour and adding too much to the recipe.
  • Make sure your baking powder is still good. To test, add a little to some water. It should bubble right away.
  • Fully whisk your dry ingredients. There is no risk of over mixing when it’s all dry ingredients and no one wants a pocket of salt in their cookie.
  • Make sure your butter is room temperature. Don’t soften in the microwave. Cut it up and let it sit on the counter for 30 minutes. You should be able to easily dent it with your finger but not push all the way through.
  • Fully cream your butter and your sugar. It should look light and fluffy after mixing. Doing this will create lighter cookies. And BONUS! You will get more cookies out of your batch of dough.
  • Use room temperature eggs. Fill a bowl with luke warm water and let the eggs sit in there while you are doing your other measuring and mixing.
  • Using a cookie scoop (1 1/2 tablespoon) will make sure that all of your cookies are uniform in size.
  • Rotate your baking sheet half way through baking so that if your oven doesn’t cook evenly, your cookies still will.
  • Invest in more than one baking sheet so that your dough can start out on a cool baking sheet, not one hot from the oven.


This is a great dough to make ahead and freeze. To do that, follow the recipe through rolling the balls in sugar.

Then you need to:

  • Press the dough down lightly.
  • Place on wax paper on a baking tray and put in the freezer for an hour.
  • Take out and transfer to an airtight container.
  • Put back in the freezer and store the dough for up to three months.
  • When you are ready to bake, proceed as directed in the recipe card but bake for an extra 2 minutes.

If you would like to bake the cookies completely, but then freeze the whole cookie, that works too.

  • Place the baked and cooled cookies on a wax lined baking sheet.
  • Freeze for an hour.
  • Remove from the tray and put in an air tight container.
  • Freeze for up to three months.
  • Allow to thaw at room temperature before eating.


I love this recipe so much that I’ve used it again and again to create some pretty amazing cookies. Check them out!


If you make these cookies and love them, join the others leaving a comment and letting me know!

Easy Sugar Cookie Recipe (4)

Easy Sugar Cookie Recipe (5)

Perfect Sugar Cookies

Serves: 32 cookies

(tap # to scale)

Prep: 15 minutes minutes

Cook: 10 minutes minutes

Total: 25 minutes minutes

This Sugar Cookie Recipe stands the test of time. Crisp on the outside, but buttery soft on the inside, this is a family favorite!

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  • 1 1/2 cups sugar plus extra for rolling
  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 14 tablespoons unsalted butter room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

  • In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.

  • With your mixer on medium, mix together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

  • Mix in the eggs (one at a time) and then the vanilla until well combined.

  • Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients. Mix on low until combined enough it won't fly everywehre. Then turn up the mixer to high just long enough that you don't see streaks of flour. Scrape down the bowl and ont he bottom to ensure that all the flour is added. Only mix long enough to combine the flour. (See more detailed instructions in the post.)

  • Roll the dough into one inch sized balls. Roll the balls in sugar. Place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Space the cookies about two inches apart.

  • Bake for 10 minutes, rotating the pan halfway through the baking. (I baked mine in three batches)

  • Let cool on the pan for about two minutes before moving to a cooling rack to cool completely.

  • Once cool, store in an airtight container for up to two weeks.

Serving: 1cookie Calories: 121kcal (6%) Carbohydrates: 16g (5%) Protein: 1g (2%) Fat: 5g (8%) Saturated Fat: 3g (19%) Monounsaturated Fat: 1g Cholesterol: 25mg (8%) Sodium: 84mg (4%) Potassium: 5mg Sugar: 9g (10%) Calcium: 5mg (1%)

Author: Lisa Longley

Easy Sugar Cookie Recipe (6)

did you make this

Perfect Sugar Cookies

I’d love to see what you made! Tag me @lisasimplejoy and hashtag it #simplejoyrecipes!

Easy Sugar Cookie Recipe (2024)


How to make sugar cookies taste better? ›

A teaspoon or two of extracts will noticeably boost flavor when blended into your sugar cookie mix. Vanilla is the obvious choice. For a more intriguing flavor, add both vanilla and almond extracts. Rum, maple and anise are other delicious varieties to consider.

What happens if you add too much sugar to sugar cookies? ›

Sugar sweetens the cookies and makes them an enticing golden brown. Adding too little sugar can affect the taste and texture of cookies. Adding too much can cause them to be brittle. Take your time creaming the sugar and butter together at the beginning.

Should you use parchment paper for sugar cookies? ›

Always line your cookie sheet with parchment paper for even baking and cookies that slide right off the sheet.

What is the secret to a good cookie? ›

The key is to always use top-quality ingredients as they'll result in a better cookie; it really is that simple.
  • Always use butter.
  • Choose the right sugar.
  • Choose the right flour.
  • Check your flour is in date.
  • Choose the right kind of chocolate.
  • Cream the butter and sugar.
  • Beat in the eggs.
  • Fold in the flour.

How to make bag sugar cookie mix better? ›

Substitute Ingredients
  1. Butter Instead of Margarine.
  2. Substitute margarine or shortening for butter using a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Coconut Oil Instead Of Other Fats.
  4. Substitute any fat or oil for coconut oil using a 1:1 ratio.
  5. Maple Syrup Instead Of Granulated Sugar.
  6. Vanilla Extract.
  7. Vanilla Essence Vs. Vanilla Extract.
  8. Almond Extract.

Is shortening better than butter for sugar cookies? ›

Which One Should I Use in Cookies? Basically, cookies made with butter spread more and are flatter and crisper if baked long enough. However, they are more flavorful than cookies made with shortening. Cookies made with shortening bake up taller and are more tender, but aren't as flavorful.

What happens if you use more brown sugar than white sugar in cookies? ›

Using brown sugar will result in a denser, moister cookie. Brown sugar is also hygroscopic (more so than granulated sugar) and will therefore also attract and absorb the liquid in the dough.

What does cornstarch do in sugar cookies? ›

“You can count on [it for] a softer and more tender crumb.” “A bonus benefit is it prevents the cookie from spreading too much while baking,” he adds, noting that a more compact, thick cookie typically yields a chewier outcome. But incorporating cornstarch isn't the only tip to make a cookie more palatable.

What happens if you put too much baking powder in sugar cookies? ›

Too much baking powder can cause the batter to be bitter tasting. It can also cause the batter to rise rapidly and then collapse. (i.e. The air bubbles in the batter grow too large and break causing the batter to fall.) Cakes will have a coarse, fragile crumb with a fallen center.

Is it better to bake cookies on aluminum foil or parchment paper? ›

What Should I Use Instead of Aluminum Foil for Baking? Parchment paper is the best choice for baking cookies. Safe to use in the oven up to 450 degrees, parchment paper distributes the oven's heat more evenly and won't scorch your cookie bottoms.

Do you need to grease cookie sheets for sugar cookies? ›

Should I grease my cookie sheets? Unless the recipe tells you to grease the cookie sheet, resist the impulse. The extra grease causes cookie dough (which already contains a lot of fat) to spread. If you're concerned about cookies sticking, line the cookie sheet with parchment paper or a silicone non-stick mat.

Which side of parchment paper goes up? ›

Since parchment paper doesn't have a helpful “this end up” sign with an arrow, it takes a little detective work. Just hold the paper up to the light and look for the side that's slightly glossier or shinier. It is the shiny or glossy side of the parchment paper that should be face up on your baking sheet or cake pan.

Should refrigerated cookie dough be brought to room temperature before baking? ›

You're aiming for a cookie that spreads.

Bake right after mixing or allow chilled dough to come back to room temperature before baking if you prefer a flat, crispy, or crunchy cookie.

What makes cookies taste better? ›

Butter is key for most cookies. Not only does it provide flavor, it's the main reason your cookies will spread. As the butter warms in the oven, the dough slackens and gradually spreads out over the baking sheet. It's important to mix your butter well to ensure it's evenly mixed throughout the dough.

What makes cookies chewy and not hard? ›

Use Melted Butter

If the goal is a chewy cookie, then you absolutely need to be using melted butter. The technique of creaming softened butter and sugar together is often used for making cakes. And for good reason! The process of creaming incorporates air into the butter which results in a more airy and cakey cookie.

How do you jazz up sugar cookies? ›

5 Ways to Get Fancy with Your Sugar Cookies
  1. Make a fancy thumbprint cookie. ...
  2. Turn them into sandwich cookies. ...
  3. Decorate with melted chocolate. ...
  4. Try different flavorings in the sugar cookie dough. ...
  5. Roll cookie dough logs in sparkly sugar.
May 1, 2019

How can I increase my cookie flavor? ›

Add Spices To Your Dough

Spices can add an amazing aroma and flavor to your cookies. I use spices like cinnamon, ginger, and cloves to bring out the flavor in many recipes. In addition, spices can become a central part of your cookie. For example, you can add spiced chai to create delicious chai spice oatmeal cookies.

Why do my sugar cookies taste weird? ›

The ingredients you used could be the culprit – using different sugars, melted butter, baking powder or baking soda can alter a cookie's texture and taste.


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.