Chapter 13 Bankruptcy - What It Is & How It Works (2024)

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Who Should File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?!

Many people think of bankruptcy court as the final stop on a path to financial ruin, the only option left when repaying debts seems impossible. But there’s hope even inbankruptcy, and Chapter 13 of the federal bankruptcy code offers the closest thing to a soft landing.

Chapter 13 is sometimes calledthe Wage Earner’s Bankruptcy, and for good reason. Chapter 13 is bankruptcy for people who are making money but have fallen desperately behind trying to keep up with payments for things bought on credit.

Your debts are reorganized, and a program is set up to pay them. You should be able to keep your home after Chapter 13 bankruptcyas long as meet the requirements of the repayment plan established by the bankruptcy court.

Under Chapter 13, you have 3-5 years to resolve debts while applying all your disposable income to debt reduction. That means no-frills living, but the Chapter 13 option lets you eliminate unsecured debt like credit card payments, while you catch up on your mortgage payments.

You’ll also be supervised by a court-appointed trustee who will collect and distribute your payments.

How Chapter 13 Works

You must submit a reorganization plan that safeguards certain assets (like your house) against repossession or foreclosure and typically requests forgiveness of other debts.

That’s different from the more extreme Chapter 7 filing, which liquidates non-exempt assets.

Whether it’s a Chapter 13 or 7 or 11, no bankruptcy filing eliminates all debts. Child support and alimony payments aren’t dischargeable, nor are student loans and most taxes. But bankruptcy can eliminate many other debts, though it will likely make it harder for you to borrow in the future.

To qualify for Chapter 13, you must:

  • Have a steady income.
  • Not filed for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy for two years, or a Chapter 7 for four years.
  • Be current on your tax filings.
  • Not have unsecured debt of more than $419,275, and your secured debt can’t be more than $1,257,850.

These figures adjust periodically to reflect changes in the consumer price index.

Filing a Chapter 13 petition suspends pending foreclosuresand payments of any other debts owed. This gives you relief from creditors while the court considers the plan, but it does not eliminate the debt. Hopefully, the bankruptcy plan will free enough of your income that you’ll be able to make regular mortgage payments and keep your house.

» Learn More: Can You File Bankruptcy Online?

Advantages of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Basically, Chapter 13 buys you time to get your financial act together. It extends the amount of time you have to repay what you owe after the bankruptcy court issues its ruling.

Chapter 13 protects your loan cosigners against collection efforts if the bankruptcy settlement obligates you to repay the debt yourself. If you need to file a second bankruptcy,Chapter 13 has a two-year waiting period versus eight years for Chapter 7.

It’s also possible to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy after a Chapter 7 is completed, allowing you to seek a reduction in whatever debts remain from a Chapter 7 discharge.

The Chapter 13 Process

First, find a bankruptcy lawyer who will give you a free evaluation and estimate on what you’ll have to pay to file.

Thecost to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy consists of a $313 filing fee and fees charged by a bankruptcy attorney. As for documents and other information, you must provide:

  • A list of creditors and the amount of their claims.
  • Proof of income.
  • List any properties you own and any leases in your name.
  • List your monthly living expenses.
  • Provide tax information, specifically your federal tax return and any statements of unpaid taxes.

Chapter 13 petitioners cannot have had a bankruptcy petition dismissed in the 180 days before filing. They must also take a credit counseling course approved by the U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Trustee Program in that 180-day span.

After you (or your lawyer) file your paperwork, you’ll then get a letter from the court clerk notifying you, your creditors and your court-appointed trustee that collection activities on your accounts have been suspended. That means creditors have to stop hounding you for payments.

You will propose a repayment plan, and a bankruptcy judge or administrator will hold a hearing to determine whether it’s fair and meets legal standards. Creditors can object, but most judges allow filers to alter their plans several times.

You can make delinquent payments over time, but all new mortgage payments after filing bankruptcy must be made on time. You’re not required to have direct contact with creditors, and you can work with your trustee to distribute the payments

After that, it’s just a matter of sticking to your repayment plan. If you’re late or miss payments, the trustee could move to dismiss your Chapter 13 case. You don’t want that.

In some cases, you may be allowed to accelerate your payments and seek an early discharge from the agreement. Conversely, if your financial situation worsens, it’s up to you to inform the chapter 13 bankruptcy trustee and seek a modification of the plan.

Failure to comply with the terms, especially if you fail to make payments on time, and your Chapter 13 case might be thrown out.

Meeting Qualifications

Chapter 13 is for individuals, not businesses, such as corporations or LLCs. Stockbrokers and commodity brokers also cannot file, even if their debts are personal.

Individuals must show they have the means to make monthly payments. They must disclose their sources of income and submit the information to the court within 14 days of filing a petition. Income can come from a variety of sources, including pension income, Social Security payments, unemployment compensation, royalties and rent and proceeds from a property sale.

You also need to be current in your tax filings. You are required to submit proof that you filed state and federal tax returns for the past four years. If you can’t do this, your case can be delayed until you can, and will be dismissed if you are unable to produce or offer transcripts of your returns.

The trustee will review the debts and income statements, and then schedule a hearing to decide whether the plan is acceptable. When the repayments are completed, the Chapter 13 case will be discharged. This typically takes three to five years.

» Learn More:Filing Bankruptcy for Credit Card Debt

Typical Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case

What does a successful Chapter 13 applicant look like?

Consider Bill and Kathy, a married couple with a home that carries a $150,000 mortgage. Bill works, Kathy doesn’t, but they file jointly for Chapter 13 protection. The couple also owes $7,000 on a car loan and has nearly $20,000 in credit card debt.

Two weeks after filing a petition, they submit a Chapter 13 repayment plan that shows how Bill’s income can be used to make mortgage and car payments, and it can repay part of the unsecured credit card debt. Their plan includes three categories of debt: priority, secured and unsecured.

Priority claims must be fully paid. They include the bankruptcy filing cost, some taxes and child support. Secured debts with collateral, like a house or a car, also must be paid in full in most cases.

Unsecured debts, like credit cards, are negotiable. The judge will review your income and repayment plan and rule how much you’ll owe your unsecured creditors. The range is “everything” to “nothing,” so don’t prop your feet on the judge’s desk during the proceedings.

Bill and Kathy had to repay court costs and back taxes they owed. They had to become current on their mortgage and car payments. The judge discharged half their credit card debt.

The couple then began making payments to their trustee, who conveyed the money to creditors and monitored Bill and Kathy’s progress.

Chapter 13 and the CARES Act

The federal government rolled out all sorts of Covid-19 relief packages, and the CARES Act made bankruptcy filings available to businesses and individuals affected by the pandemic.

Among other things, repayment plans were extended to seven years. The bill was signed in March 2020, and many provisions have expired. Your bankruptcy attorney should be able to apply any provisions that are still applicable.

Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

In Chapter 13, you have a chance to keep all your stuff. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you probably can keep most of your “necessary” stuff (home, car you drive to work, clothes, tools for work), but will have to liquidate things deemed “non-exempt” by a bankruptcy trustee.

That’s the quick answer, though it’s not quite that simple.

With Chapter 7, you sell some or all of non-exempt things like your second car, any property you might own and things of value like art, stamp, coin or card collections. The process concludes within six months of filing. Any wages or property you acquire after filing, except inheritances, aren’t subject to distribution to creditors.

With Chapter 7, lenders who have already filed to foreclose on your home are only temporarily stalled, and other debts such as mortgage liens can be collected after the case is concluded. Cosigners on your debts are still obligated to pay.

Chapter 7 requires your income falls below the median level income for your state, or you must pass a means test. If you fail to meet the Chapter 7 income limit or means test requirements, Chapter 13 is the alternative.

Chapter 11 vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 11 is another type of bankruptcy. It is similar to Chapter 13 in that debt is restructured and paid back over time, but it was originally designed for large corporations, though small businesses and individuals are eligible.

Chapter 11 bankruptcy can get complicated and expensive, so most debtors choose Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 to avoid the time, costs and risks involved with Chapter 11.

But it’s a viable option if you don’t want to liquidate your assets, as required in Chapter 7, or you have too much debt to qualify for Chapter 13.

Life after Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 can be useful for people with serious debts who worry about losing their homes to bankruptcy. If you adhere to your repayment plan, you’ll have a new lease on financial life.

Unsecured debts will be gone, but mortgages and car payments might linger. Hopefully, you’ll have developed the habits needed to meet those obligations.

How does Filing Bankruptcy Affect Your Credit?

Filing bankruptcy will affect your credit score for as long as it appears on your credit report, though the negative impact does diminish over time. Chapter 13 bankruptcy stays there for seven years, while Chapter 7 is there for 10 years, and you should see your credit score recover throughout the years given you don’t have any financial hiccups along the way.

Chapter 13 also has less of a blow because – if you complete your repayment plan – you will at least have established a track record of paying your bills.

If you’re filing for bankruptcy, chances are your credit score wasn’t that good to begin with. If it was good, it will plummet 100-200 points, regardless of which chapter you use.

» Learn More: How Long Bankruptcy Stays on Your Credit Report

Before Filing a Bankruptcy Petition

Bankruptcy can resolve your debt problems, but you should consider it a last-gasp option. Before decidingif you should file for bankruptcy, look for alternatives or advice that might be a less damaging choice. Some possibilities include:

Credit Counseling – Nonprofit credit counseling agencies provide free budgeting advice and suggestions for other debt-relief options. Churches, charitable organizations and government agencies also provide counseling without charge, or they can refer you somewhere than can help. The goal is to review your finances and suggest solutions for your debt.

Debt Management – This is one of a few debt-relief programs that might make it possible to avoid filing bankruptcy. The primary goal of debt management is to reduce the interest rate on credit card debt and lower the monthly payments you make to an affordable rate. Debt management plans take 3-5 years to complete.

Debt Consolidation –If you owe balances on multiple credit cards, a debt consolidation loan will allow you to pay off all the credit card debt and be left with a lower-cost loan repayment. Your credit score will influence whether the interest rate you pay offers substantial savings or not.

Debt Settlement – It’s usually better than bankruptcy, but not by much. A debt settlement company negotiates with creditors to reduce what you owe in exchange for a lump-sum payment plan that you commit to for 2-3 years. Several negative factors make this a risky debt-relief option, but if it keeps you from having to file bankruptcy, it’s probably worth it.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy - What It Is & How It Works (2024)


Chapter 13 Bankruptcy - What It Is & How It Works? ›

Background. A chapter 13 bankruptcy is also called a wage earner's plan. It enables individuals with regular income to develop a plan to repay all or part of their debts. Under this chapter, debtors propose a repayment plan to make installments to creditors over three to five years.

What is Chapter 13 and how does it work? ›

Chapter 13 is essentially a consolidation loan in which you make a monthly payment to a court-appointed trustee, who then distributes the money to creditors. Creditors are not allowed to have any direct contact with you and must go through the trustee instead. You can keep your property and gain time to pay off debts.

What is the average monthly payment for Chapter 13? ›

A Chapter 13 petition for bankruptcy will likely necessitate a $500 to $600 monthly payment, especially for debtors paying at least one automobile through the payment plan. However, since the bankruptcy court will consider a large number of factors, this estimate could vary greatly.

What is the downside to filing Chapter 13? ›

It's a Long Term Commitment – Filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy requires you to make a long-term commitment to the process. Tough To Get Credit or a Mortgage for 7 Years – Other impacts include the inability to get credit cards at a good rate, and filing Chapter 13 makes it tough to get a mortgage.

Will Chapter 13 take all my money? ›

In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you must devote all of your "disposable income" to the repayment of your debts over the life of your Chapter 13 plan. Your disposable income first goes to your secured and priority creditors. Your unsecured creditors share any remaining amount.

How much cash can you keep when filing Chapter 13? ›

Under Chapter 13, you also have the $550 cash exemption along with a wildcard exemption up to $1,475, allowing you to keep $2,025 in cash under Chapter 13. However, when filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can claim and exempt 75 percent of the wages you earned in the preceding 30 days.

Do you pay back everything on Chapter 13? ›

You don't have to pay unsecured debts in full. Instead, you pay all your disposable income toward the debt during your three-year or five-year repayment plan. The unsecured creditors must receive as much as they would have if you'd filed Chapter 7.

Do you pay 100% in a Chapter 13? ›

This is known as a percentage plan and can vary from 1% - 99%. A 100% plan indicates that the petitioner does not qualify for debt reduction based on their income and ability to pay. This Chapter 13 plan structures 100% of that client's debt to be paid back through the repayment process.

Who gets paid first in Chapter 13? ›

You cannot decide the order in which your creditors are paid. Instead, bankruptcy law sets forth the order that your bankruptcy trustee must pay your debts. Usually, the trustee pays them in this order: secured debts first, followed by priority debts, and then unsecured debts.

What is the debt limit for Chapter 13? ›

One provision of the Act raised the debt limit for debtors to qualify under the SBRA to $7,500,000. Another simplified and increased the debt limit for chapter 13 filings to $2,750,000. [1] Both increases sunset on June 21, 2024.

Will Chapter 13 leave me broke? ›

When your Chapter 13 case is dismissed, you are often in a far worse financial position. That's because the interest on your unpaid debts has continued to mount as you've struggled to make payments. And once you're out of bankruptcy protection, you have more debt than ever.

Can I keep everything in a Chapter 13? ›

In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can keep all of your property.

What can I lose in Chapter 13? ›

Debts not discharged in chapter 13 include certain long term obligations (such as a home mortgage), debts for alimony or child support, certain taxes, debts for most government funded or guaranteed educational loans or benefit overpayments, debts arising from death or personal injury caused by driving while intoxicated ...

How much will my monthly payment be for Chapter 13? ›

To calculate your monthly payment amount in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, calculate your income for the six months before your bankruptcy filing. Deduct allowable expenses to determine your disposable income. Pay your priority debtors and any secured debts that you want to keep after the bankruptcy.

Will I get a tax refund while in Chapter 13? ›

You can receive tax refunds while in bankruptcy. However, refunds may be subject to delay or used to pay down your tax debts.

Why is my Chapter 13 payment so high? ›

Here's why. When you proposed your Chapter 13 plan, you calculated the interest amount you'd need to pay creditors. If you miss a payment, your mortgagor or possibly another creditor will assess a late fee and other penalties, increasing the amount of money the trustee would need to keep your payment current.

Is Chapter 13 a good idea? ›

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is designed for people who have a consistent source of income, even if it isn't enough to cover their debts. If you have a solid job or way to make money, but simply can't afford to fully pay what you owe, Chapter 13 may be a good option.

What can you not do after filing Chapter 13? ›

Chapter 13

For example, you cannot: Incur further debt. Use credit or credit cards. Enter into leases without court approval.

Which is better, Chapter 7 or 13? ›

Or somewhat more accurately, Chapter 13 can give you more power over and flexibility with certain kinds of creditors, and if you have non-exempt assets. However, if you do not have those kinds of debt or assets, or not much in terms of tangible assets, then Chapter 7 would likely be the faster and easier option.


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