Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe | Fresh Cooked Fun (2024)

February 20, 2024

Last Updated:February 28, 2024

Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe | Fresh Cooked Fun (1)

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Importance of German style egg noodles

One of my favorite side dishes at Bavarian Inn is their Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodles. It sounds like such a simple dish (and it is simple), but when made with the right ingredients it’s better than you could ever hope. Read on to learn more about thisBavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe.

The most critical ingredient to make the Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle recipe the best it can be is the German Style egg noodles. If you’re going to the Bavarian Inn you can pick up a bag of them there, but luckily they are also widely available in stores. Check the pasta aisle near the other egg noodles, the international section, or the specialty deli area. Every store seems to stock them somewhere different, but most of the stores I went to had at least one option available.

There are a few reasons German Style egg noodles are so critical to this recipe.

  • The noodles take longer to cook than the standard egg noodles do, usually 12-20 minutes. And since the noodles are cooked in a delicious chicken stock, the longer they cook the better, as they will absorb more flavor that way.
  • Additionally, the German Style egg noodles are thicker than usual noodles, and that thickness will preserve their texture even after they’ve sat in the butter sauce for a day or more. It’s not that they don’t absorb the butter sauce, but they can absorb much more without turning to mush.

This Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle recipe is the one place where I would never substitute regular egg noodles for German Style. The result may be tasty, but it won’t be nearly as good.

Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe | Fresh Cooked Fun (2)

Visiting Frankenmuth

Recently, we drove out to Frankenmuth to hit the outlet mall and have dinner. We had a wonderful time walking around the town, and of course having dinner at the Bavarian Inn. You can read more about our Frankenmuth experience. If you want to get a full Frankenmuth dinner experience, also try your hand at my Frankenmuth cranberry relish recipe and my Zehnder’s Chicken Recipe.

Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe | Fresh Cooked Fun (3)

Topping makes it more than just noodles

These Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodles are topped with a crushed, toasted cracker topping. I used saltine crackers to make my crumbs, but you could also use Ritz or any mild, primarily butter flavored cracker. To get the full cup of cracker crumbs, I used a rolling pin to beat a sleeve of saltines until the sleeve ripped. Then I transferred the crumbs to a cutting board and continued beating until they were mostly crumbs. You could also transfer the crackers to a zip top bag and beat them in that.

Making the topping is a relatively easy process as long as you pay attention, and it is so worth it. Just melt the butter in a skillet, add the crumbs, and then stir until they all turn a deep brown. This topping adds a delicious, buttery, crunchy layer to the noodles, and I recommend serving at the table the part you don’t put directly on the noodles so that everyone can add as much as they want.

Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe | Fresh Cooked Fun (4)

Why make so much butter sauce?

In this recipe I actually make double the quantity of butter sauce that Dorothy Zehnder’s recipe makes. I did this purposely so that I would have enough butter sauce to serve some at the table. The noodles do absorb the butter sauce over time, so I enjoyed having extra to drizzle on top. It also makes storing the leftovers easier. Cooked noodles usually have a tendency to stick to each other in clumps, and pouring over additional butter sauce before refrigerating helps the noodles maintain their form and not stick too much.

Making the gravy

It may seem odd to make gravy for chicken in a buttered noodles recipe, but trust me on this. The cooking liquid for the noodles is chicken broth plus more chicken seasoning. And on top of that, cooking those egg noodles in it gives the liquid extra starch. Just give the liquid a taste, it’s already delicious, and transforming it into gravy is quick and easy. In a small bowl, combine 2 tbsp of cornstarch with 3 tbsp of the hot cooking liquid. Whisk them together until smooth, then add back into the cooking pot, stir to combine thoroughly, and simmer until thickened. It shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes for the cooking liquid to transform into gravy, and then you can serve it with my Zehnder’s Chicken recipe (or dip your noodles in it for even more flavor).

Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe | Fresh Cooked Fun (5)

Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe

Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodles combine German Style egg noodles, butter, chicken broth, and a toasted saltine topping for a delicious side dish.

5 from 2 votes

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 20 minutes mins

Course Side Dish

Cuisine European, German

Servings 4

Calories 778 kcal



  • 8 oz German Style egg noodles
  • 2 quarts Water
  • 8 tsp Chicken bouillon powder
  • 1.5 tsp Bavarian Inn Chicken Seasoning (or generic chicken seasoning)


  • 1 cup Saltine cracker crumbs
  • 3 tbsp Butter

Butter Sauce

  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 1/2 tsp Chicken bouillon powder
  • 1/2 cup Butter

Bonus Gravy

  • 2 tbsp Cornstarch


  • In a small stock pot, combine 2 quarts of water, chicken bouillon powder, and chicken seasoning. Bring to a boil.

  • Add the egg noodles to the pot and cook for the time suggested on the bag (12-20 minutes for German style egg noodles).

  • While the noodles are boiling, heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Melt 3 tbsp of butter.

  • Add the crushed saltines to the melted butter and fry until they are brown and toasted, up to 5 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent burning.

  • In a small pot, combine all of the butter sauce ingredients and heat over medium heat until butter is melted and all ingredients are well combined.

  • Once the noodles finish cooking, use a spoon to scoop them into a colander to drain. Reserve as much cooking liquid as you can.

  • Add the noodles to a serving bowl, and pour over half of the butter sauce. Top with enough saltine crumbs to coat (you will have some leftover).

  • Serve the noodles as they are, and bring bowls of the butter sauce and saltine topping to the table so that everyone can adjust as desired.


  • Bring the noodle’s cooking liquid back to a boil. In a small bowl, combine the 2 tbsp cornstarch with 3 tbsp of the hot cooking liquid. Use a fork or whisk to stir until smooth.

  • Add the cornstarch mixture into the pot and stir well to combine.

  • Let the gravy cook until it thickens, just 2-5 minutes and serve with the noodles and Zehnder’s Chicken.


Calories: 778kcalCarbohydrates: 98.6gProtein: 17gFat: 35.1gSaturated Fat: 20.1gCholesterol: 164mgSodium: 404mgPotassium: 38mgFiber: 4.7gSugar: 0.1gCalcium: 55mgIron: 3mg

Keyword Bavarian Inn, Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle, Buttered noodle, German Style egg noodles

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Nutrition Facts

Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe

Amount per Serving

% Daily Value*






Saturated Fat

















































* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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Tags: Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodles Egg noodles Frankenmuth German


Bavarian Inn Buttered Noodle Recipe | Fresh Cooked Fun (2024)


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